Tag Archives: faith

Rahab’s Unswerving Faith and God’s Unconditional Love

We all carry labels. Labels that we sometimes give ourselves or given to us by family, friends, or our profession. But what does God have to say about all the things we are and we do? While some of us have learned the art of getting out of our messy places and shake off our labels, some continue in them.

In today’s society, people with low-level jobs, education, or a minimal range of skills are often overlooked. On the contrary, God looks beyond all this and sees our hearts and the potential of what one can become in the light of His Word. Continue reading Rahab’s Unswerving Faith and God’s Unconditional Love

30 Scriptural Prayers for Your Children

Don’t we all make it a point to pray for our children? As a mother, I do! I pray for my children every day without fail. While this seems like the ‘normal’ thing to do, the quality of our prayers often surrounds our concern for our children’s safety, studies, spiritual growth, health, exams, future, etc. And sometimes very generic such as ‘Lord, bless my children’.

While all this is good, it is equally important for us to pray the Word of God over our child’s life. Because Continue reading 30 Scriptural Prayers for Your Children

I Am Cute Because My Daddy Says So

Certain conversations leave a deep impact on our minds. Often, children are our biggest tutors of life. They teach us so much about life, faith and values through their innocent acts or talks. This is one such simple conversation with my 2-year-old, which made me pause and reflect on the words he spoke to me.

My husband had just given him a shower and I was getting him dressed. As I was buttoning up his shirt, he said: “Mummy, David is cute”. (Don’t you love it when kids refer to themselves in the third person!)

“Are you sure?” I asked. Continue reading I Am Cute Because My Daddy Says So

The Path to Promise


How do we react when we receive certain prophecies from God, that would change our life positively? We often react with joy and welcome such promises with a ‘Yes and Amen’!

One would think the path to such promises would be quite short and easy. However, I’ve learned recently that God likes to test our submission to His will before He fulfills His plans for us.

Everybody knows Mary as the mother of Jesus but not many remember her as the little girl (probably in her teens), gleaming with excitement and dreaming of her life with her future husband Joseph. It was at this point, Continue reading The Path to Promise

The Perfect Recipe

perfect recipeAs believers we often go through short dry spells in our Christian life, and it is at times like these that we seek to hear something specific and different from God. I too went through a similar phase recently and want to share the valuable lesson God taught me. What I am about to write may not come as a new revelation to many, but I am hoping it may be an eye-opener for some of you. Continue reading The Perfect Recipe