I was hurrying to drop Nathan to school one morning and it was already quite late. Of course, this is not the worry of a 4-year-old and he was in his own little world as usual. He stopped me at the main door and asked me to look through the key hole. I was quite hesitant but knowing the after effects just in case I don’t, I thought I will give a look just to satisfy him. My thoughts were set on leaving home as soon as possible.
As I looked through the key hole, I told him what I saw… ‘The outside gate’. Well, at the back of my head, that was my focus and getting out through the gate was my primary thought. Nathan stopped me asking, “Mummy do you also see my green ball? It is lying in the sun” and then he went on describing his ball.
The description of his vision explained with all colors is what caught my attention. He saw what I couldn’t see. I smiled as I listened to his words. As I drove to school, this message is what God put in my heart. In our busy lives, Continue reading Do You See What I See?