The Fragrance of our Life

Last week I had a sudden craving for Pani-Puri. I’m not sure why it started or from where it came from. At some point the craving got so strong that (strangely enough) I even started to smell the sweet tangy sauce. I’ve read somewhere that science explains it as an illusion that your subconscious mind creates to counter the desire of your senses. This is not just with food, infact, it works with anything that gives out a fragrance. Whatever be the cause of it, the experience taught me something spiritual too. The Bible says in Continue reading The Fragrance of our Life

Reflection of the Soul


‘Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?’ And the mirror answered, ‘You are the fairest of them all’. I’m sure we have all heard these words from the well-known fairy tale ‘Snow White’. Although it is a fairy tale, it describes the vanity of mankind which seems to be getting greater with time. We all want to look our best no matter the time of the day or occasion. Continue reading Reflection of the Soul

Yeh dil maange more (This heart desires more)



Wow… It’s been some time since I lasted posted an article due to busy schedule. Many of you have enquired and encouraged us to keep writing. We are so thankful to you. May God bless each one of you. Please do keep this ministry in prayer.


Recently I came across a survival show on Discovery channel called ‘Alone in the wild’. It featured some celebrities who were left to survive in the wild for about 7 days with nothing but a knapsack of emergency equipment. Watching this got me thinking of the life of the Israelites in the wilderness. They were a huge multitude of people in the middle of nowhere, but they survived 40 years in the desert! They didn’t go through professional survival skills training or have any emergency equipment with them. Continue reading Yeh dil maange more (This heart desires more)

Is There a Need for Disciplined Prayer Life?

My cousin’s life-long passion was to join the Indian army and he worked very hard to clear his entrance tests with good grades. The family celebrated his selection into the army. What followed was a very intense training in the Indian Military Academy as Lieutenant colonel. The stringent rules such as waking up early in the morning, being punctual to the second, physical exercise for hours was not really a bed of roses. Many quit during training. The goal of these trainings is to develop well-disciplined young men and women who are capable of serving their nation. We often face lot of struggles and battles in our spiritual life too. In fact, the word of God says in Ephesians 6:11,12,

Continue reading Is There a Need for Disciplined Prayer Life?

Oh be careful little mouth what you speak!

New year wishes to all our readers and subscribers. We pray that God may honor you and raise you to new heights in every aspect of your life. Take this new year as an opportunity to know Christ better everyday and draw nearer to Him. We love and bless you all!

My in-laws were out-of-town for a while and I was put in-charge of taking care of Continue reading Oh be careful little mouth what you speak!

Where is God?

The day started like any other, but took a huge dip when I watched the news about the shooting incident in Connecticut. To calm myself, I started listening to a familiar worship song “Hallelujah Hosanna”. It reminded me of the scene when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and how He was welcomed by the people with rejoicing and shouting ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’. For a moment, I imagined myself as one among the crowd and I was elated by the sight of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, being welcomed as a King. For a moment … I forget about myself!


Continue reading Where is God?

Oh! What peace we often forfeit!

I’m excited to be back to the world of blogging after a break of more than a month! It has been one great month of vacation to India, meeting relatives and friends, encouraging others and being encouraged, lots of commitments and decisions being made, altogether a blessed moment. Well here is something right from my heart.

One of my favorite hymn that I often love to sing is “All to Jesus I surrender”.

But every time I sing or hear the song, I am challenged by the Holy Spirit of how much of me do I really surrender? Continue reading Oh! What peace we often forfeit!

How to Receive from God in Abundance

By Mrs. Suni Roy

We are all good at asking for things we need, be it in prayer or otherwise. Recently God taught me a lesson about asking in prayer.


During our church service, my attention was shifted to a sister sitting beside me who had opened a pack of chips for her son. Soon enough another boy from across the aisle appeared, and stretched out his hand. At first, the baby would not share, but then this little one kept on asking and was finally given a little of the crumbled pieces. In no time the little one gobbled up that what was given and then unashamedly again stretched out his hand for more. He kept on asking for more and more until the whole pack was over. Though this episode made me laugh, I began to wonder Continue reading How to Receive from God in Abundance

The Last Minute Wish

“I’m fed up… Can’t take this anymore…wish there was some other way…wish all this could go away”. Any of these statements sound familiar ?Uttered at times when life takes that steep unexpected fall & you are overwhelmed by situations that you cannot control. I’m sure we have all faced such moments in our lives – when we face serious health issues, when we loose a loved one, when we suddenly lose our job or drowning in debt. These are times when we wish we could just pause life’s clock or forward to a more happy times. We even feel that God has stopped listening to our prayers and is distant from us. Although we know deep inside that God has a plan for us, Continue reading The Last Minute Wish

What do YOU want?

As a child, one of my favorite cartoons was Aladdin and the genie lamp. I’ve often wondered – if I found the lamp and were given 3 wishes, what would I ask for? Like most kids of my age, greed would kick in and I’d have the obvious answer, “I’d ask for a zillion more wishes”.  This may bring a smile to your face, and you may have thought of the same!


Asking the right questions and giving the right answers gets you to the right places. More importantly, what I learnt recently is that asking the right thing from the right person makes a better impact and can lead to a life changing experience! Continue reading What do YOU want?